Exam 1Z0-051: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I Curriculum Outline
Mentoring 1Z0-051 Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
SkillSoft Mentors are available to help students with their studies for exam 1Z0-051 Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I. You can reach them by entering a Mentored Chat Room or by using the E-mail My Mentor service.
Target Audience
Individuals who are studying the associated SkillSoft content in preparation for, or to become familiar with, the skills and competencies being measured by the actual certification exam.
Familiarity with the exam objectives listed below and skills and competencies being measured in the associated certification exam.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Mentoring 1Z0-051 Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
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TestPrep 1Z0-051 Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
To test your knowledge on the skills and competencies being measured by the vendor certification exam. TestPrep can be taken in either Study or Certification mode. Study mode is designed to maximize learning by not only testing your knowledge of the material, but also by providing additional information on the topics presented. Certification mode is designed to test your knowledge of the material within a structured testing environment, providing valuable feedback at the end of the test.
Target Audience
Individuals seeking practice in a structured testing environment, covering the skills and competencies being measured by the vendor certification exam.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
TestPrep 1Z0-051 Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
Course Number:od_osfd_a01_tp_enus
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Oracle Database 11g: Using SQL to Query Your Database
To identify the concepts and components of an Oracle Database 11g database, recognize how to retrieve information from it using SQL, and identify the steps for sorting, limiting, modifying, and formatting this information.
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI)
Oracle Database 11g: Using SQL to Query Your Database
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Oracle Database 11g: Conversion Functions, Group Functions, and Joins
To recognize the steps for writing queries that convert data from one type to another, specify conditions, perform calculations on groups of rows or even tables, and return values from more than one table.
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI)
Oracle Database 11g: Conversion Functions, Group Functions, and Joins
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Oracle Database 11g: Using DDL, Views, Sequences, Indexes, and Synonyms
To recognize the steps for creating, defining, and dropping tables , manipulating how their data can be viewed, and using schema objects to generate integers, improve queries, and rename tables.
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI)
Oracle Database 11g: Using DDL, Views, Sequences, Indexes, and Synonyms
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Oracle Database 11g: Using Subqueries and Regular Expressions
To recognize the steps for retrieving data using subqueries and using regular expressions to search for, match, and replace strings.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI).
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using Subqueries and Regular Expressions
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Exam 1Z0-052: Oracle Database 11g: Administration I Curriculum Outline
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Architecture and Installation
To understand how an Oracle Database functions, it is important to gain a basic understanding of its major components. This course identifies the major architectural components of the Oracle Database 11g Release 2, explains memory structures, describes background processes, and explores the logical and physical storage structures. In addition, this course describes the role of a database administrator (DBA) and the tasks and tools required for this role. This course also covers how to plan for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database 11g software installations, as well as how to do the installation using the Oracle Universal Installer. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Architecture and Installation
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Creation and Instance Management
As an Oracle Database administrator, it is important to plan the database to ensure that the database software is installed properly. Planning involves the logical storage structure, the overall design, and a backup strategy. It is also important to manage the database instance after the installation to ensure that it runs properly, and is started and shut down correctly to avoid problems. This course describes the DBA tasks to plan a database installation and how to use the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to install the Oracle Database 11g software. It demonstrates how to manage the instance, including setting initialization parameters, accessing the database and Enterprise Manager, viewing information about the instance, startup and shutdown stages, and viewing the alert log to ensure that there are no issues with the instance. This course also demonstrates how to use Oracle Restart to manage components. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Creation and Instance Management
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: The ASM Instance and Network Connectivity
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 offers Automatic Storage Management (ASM), which eliminates the need for many tasks that are required on a non-ASM storage environment by the DBA. Some of these tasks include I/O performance tuning, file system, cluster file system, and raw device management, and data file movements and reorganizations. When ASM is used, an ASM instance is also used. The ASM instance allocates memory and uses the SGA differently than in a database instance. This course describes the ASM instance and how it works, and demonstrates how to manage it with various utilities. It discusses the ASM disk groups and how to create, extend, and drop them. This course also identifies how to configure the Oracle network environment which includes configuring and controlling the listeners that allow database connections, creating Oracle Net Service aliases, and the tools for configuring and managing the Oracle network, naming conventions, and shared server usage. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: The ASM Instance and Network Connectivity
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Storage Structures and User Security
An Oracle database is divided into logical storage units called tablespaces. Oracle also provides Oracle-Managed Files (OMF), which eliminate the need for the DBA to directly manage the operating system files in the Oracle database. To access the database, a user must specify a valid database user account and successfully authenticate as required by that user account. What the user can execute once they are logged in is controlled by privileges granted to them, which can be system or object. Privileges can be better controlled by using roles and profiles, which control resource consumption and account status and passwords.This course describes the purpose and functions of tablespaces, and provides details on how to create and manage database user accounts. It also discusses creating privileges, roles, and profiles, as well as using the password file and assigning quotas to users. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Storage Structures and User Security
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Concurrency, Undo, and Auditing
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 is designed to prevent multiple users from changing the same data at the same time by implementing locks. These locks are used to manage data concurrency and are implemented automatically, which can sometimes cause lock conflicts. Lock conflicts can be detected and managed through Enterprise Manager or SQL statements. Managing undo data and implementing Oracle Database security are also important DBA roles. Data is manipulated using DML, and undo data exists as a copy of the original, premodified data and is captured for every transaction that changes data. Security requirements have been a matter of individual concern until recently, but now there are a variety of laws enforcing the privacy and accuracy of data. This course discusses the locking mechanism in Oracle and how to resolve lock conflicts and deadlocks. It also discusses how to manage undo data, and how to implement database auditing and maintain the audit trail. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Concurrency, Undo, and Auditing
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Maintenance and Performance
General database maintenance and performance monitoring are important Oracle DBA tasks. Proactive and reactive database maintenance is made easy by the sophisticated infrastructure of Oracle Database 11g Release 2, including elements such as Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and database health checkers. DBAs must make sure that databases are open and available to users when they need it and that it is working without bottlenecks by gathering performance metrics. This course explores how to specify, review, and maintain audit information. It also discusses how to use Enterprise Manager to monitor performance, and how to use Automatic Memory Management (AMM) and the Memory Advisor to size the memory areas correctly, as well as how to troubleshoot invalid and unusable objects. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Maintenance and Performance
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Backup and Recovery
Preparing for and performing data recovery and completing database backups are expected job duties of an Oracle Database 11g Database Administrator (DBA) to ensure that the database is available for users when they require it. They also need to ensure if a failure does occur that the loss of data is minimized as much as possible and they can recover the database in an efficient manner. As an Oracle DBA, it is important to understand the various internal consistency checks a database performs as it moves from the shutdown stage to being fully open. Equally important is an understanding of what can cause a failure, and how to recover from an instance failure. This course explores how to identify the types of failure that can occur in an Oracle database and how to prepare a database for failure recovery by using checkpoints, log files, and the flash recovery area and ARCHIVELOG mode, as well as how to perform different types of backups. It also discusses the need for performing recovery and the use of tools such as the Recovery Manager (RMAN) and the Data Recovery Advisor for file recovery operations. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Backup and Recovery
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Moving Data and Oracle Support
From time to time Oracle DBAs are required to move data. Oracle Database 11g Release 2 offers various ways to complete this task, including Oracle Data Pump, SQL*Loader, and the use of external tables. DBAs are also required to ensure that the database is up-to-date with the latest patches and that critical errors are resolved, which includes contacting Oracle for support. This course explores how to move data using Data Pump Wizards or the command line. Working with the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench, My Oracle Support, service requests, and patch management are also covered. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration I (1Z0-052) exam. Passing this exam will earn the learner Oracle Certified Associated (OCA).
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Moving Data and Oracle Support
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Exam 1Z0-053: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II Curriculum Outline
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Architecture and Recovery Operations
An important aspect of Oracle Database administration is to understand how a database and its major components function. Also as an Oracle Database administrator, you need to be able to recover when problems occur in the database. This is accomplished using backups, which are used to protect against problems such as media failure, user errors, and application errors. This course reviews the major architectural components of the Oracle Database 11g architecture, such as memory structures, background processes, and the logical and physical storage structures. This course also discusses how to prepare an Oracle Database 11g database for recovery and backup using RMAN, ARCHIVELOG mode, retention policies, and a Flash Recovery Area. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Architecture and Recovery Operations
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: The RMAN Catalog and Creating Backups
RMAN uses a recovery catalog to store metadata about Oracle databases, and allows stored scripts to be used to run sequences of RMAN commands stored in the catalog. When administering an Oracle Database, it is important to be familiar with what a backup is, how the process of creating a backup is completed, and the various types of backups available. This knowledge allows you to make an informed decision on the best way to maintain the integrity of your data and the availability of your database. This course discusses how to create and manage the recovery catalog. It also explains how to configure backup specifications, including methods of optimizing a backup and how to use RMAN to create backups. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: The RMAN Catalog and Creating Backups
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Performing Restore and Recovery Tasks
As a database administrator it is very important to understand how to restore and recover your database in the event of a loss of a file due to media, hardware, or user error. The restoration process involves moving a backup into place to be used by the database when a file is damaged. The recovery process involves applying redo to bring the file forward in time to before the failure or up to the failure point. This course discusses the type of failures that can occur and how to recover from them. It also discusses how to perform user-managed backup and recoveries. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Performing Restore and Recovery Tasks
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Using, Monitoring and Tuning RMAN
Reconstructing the contents of all or part of a database from a backup typically involves two phases. The first phase is the retrieval of a copy of the data file from the backups. The second involves reapplying changes to the file that occurred since the backup, using archived and online redo logs. To effectively administer an Oracle Database 11g database, recovery should be performed when critical or non-critical files are lost. Once you configure RMAN to perform recovery operations, it is important to have measures in place to monitor RMAN jobs. This course explains how to use RMAN to perform recovery operations, such as recovering a database from an incremental backup, switching to image copies for fast recovery, restoring a database to a new host, and using a backup control file for recovery and performing an automatic tablespace point-in-time recovery (TSPITR) are also covered. It also discusses how to monitor the progress of RMAN jobs, including how to interpret RMAN output such as messages and error stacks. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Using, Monitoring and Tuning RMAN
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Diagnostics and Flashback Technologies
Administering an Oracle database requires monitoring and diagnosing data failures and recovering from them. Oracle Database 11g Release 2 provides the Data Recovery Advisor which eases this task by automatically detecting errors when they occur and providing repair advice. The use of the Automatic Diagnostic Repository can also be used, which holds diagnostic information about critical error events. Flashback technology can be used when a logical corruption occurs in the Oracle database and you need to recover data quickly and easily. With the use of a Flashback Table, you can recover a set of tables to a specific point in time without having to perform traditional point-in-time recovery operations. This course explains how to use the Data Recovery Advisor and how to set up Automatic Diagnostic Repository, how to use the Support Workbench, run health checks, as well as detect and repair database corruption within the Oracle Database 11g environment. This course discusses how to use the Oracle Flashback technologies, including Flashback query, table and transaction, as well as Flashback Data Archive. It also discusses how to restore items from the Recycle Bin and how to flash back a database using Flashback Database. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Database Diagnostics and Flashback Technologies
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Memory and Performance
Because there is a finite amount of memory available on a database server and on an Oracle Database 11g instance, you must pay attention to how memory is allocated. Also, database planning must include a balance between performance, cost, and reliability. You must consider the investment in the system architecture, which includes the hardware and software infrastructure needed to meet your requirements. This course explores the databases memory structures, focusing on how to configure SGA parameters and how to implement Automatic Memory Management and Automatic Shared Memory Management, and how to configure automatic PGA memory management. This course also explains how to monitor the performance of sessions and services, including how the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) works, and how to use the SQL Tuning Advisor to identify and tune SQL statements that are using the most resources. This course also describes the benefits of Database Replay within your Oracle environment. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Memory and Performance
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Resources and the Scheduler
By using the Database Resource Manager, you have more control over the allocation of machine resources than is normally possible through operating system resource management alone. Many tasks in the Oracle environment need job-scheduling capabilities. Using advanced Scheduler features, you can exercise more control over various aspects of scheduling, such as job windows and prioritizing jobs. This course explains how to configure the Database Resource Manager to access and create resource plans, create, configure, and administer consumer groups, as well as activate a resource plan and monitor the Resource Manager. This course also explores how to simplify management tasks by using the Scheduler to create, program, schedule, and monitor job execution as well as how to use a time-based or event-based schedule for executing Scheduler jobs. Incorporating advanced Scheduler concepts such as how to use the Scheduler to prioritize jobs is also covered. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Resources and the Scheduler
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Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Space and Duplication
To effectively manage space, you can configure automatic management by the Oracle database server. This allows you to generate alerts about potential problems and recommend possible solutions. This course explores how to use the Oracle database server for automatic space management, proactively monitor and manage tablespace space usage, and reclaim wasted space from tables and indexes by using the segment shrink functionality. Using the segment advisor, resumable space allocation, and moving tablespaces are also covered. This course will also explore how to duplicate a database using RMAN and Enterprise Manager. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Oracle Database 11g: Administration II (1Z0-053) exam.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Managing Database Space and Duplication
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Mentoring 1Z0-053 Oracle Database 11g: Administration II
SkillSoft Mentors are available to help students with their studies for exam 1Z0-053 Oracle Database 11g: Administration II. You can reach them by entering a Mentored Chat Room or by using the E-mail My Mentor service.
Target Audience
Individuals who are studying the associated SkillSoft content in preparation for, or to become familiar with, the skills and competencies being measured by the actual certification exam.
Familiarity with the exam objectives listed below and skills and competencies being measured in the associated certification exam.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Mentoring 1Z0-053 Oracle Database 11g: Administration II
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TestPrep 1Z0-053 Oracle Database 11g: Administration II
To test your knowledge on the skills and competencies being measured by the vendor certification exam. TestPrep can be taken in either Study or Certification mode. Study mode is designed to maximize learning by not only testing your knowledge of the material, but also by providing additional information on the topics presented. Certification mode is designed to test your knowledge of the material within a structured testing environment, providing valuable feedback at the end of the test.
Target Audience
Individuals seeking practice in a structured testing environment, covering the skills and competencies being measured by the vendor certification exam.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
TestPrep 1Z0-053 Oracle Database 11g: Administration II
Course Number:od_oawt_a01_tp_enus <
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Exam 1Z0-042: Oracle Database 10g: Administration I Curriculum Outline
Oracle Database 10g: Installing Oracle Database 10g
Overview/DescriptionTo introduce the concepts of RDBMS and Oracle database administration, and explain how to install Oracle Database 10g software
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
2.25 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Installing Oracle Database 10g
- Recognize the characteristics of a relational database system
- Identify the basic tasks involved in Oracle database administration
- Identify the basic concepts involved in RDBMS and Oracle database administration
- Identify the components involved in the Oracle preinstall process
- Recognize how to configure the Oracle install environment using the Oracle Universal Installer
- Recognize how to configure the Oracle Database 10g installation
- Install Oracle Database 10g on a UNIX operating system
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Oracle Database 10g: Creating Databases
Overview/DescriptionTo provide an overview of Oracle database and instance architecture and demonstrate how to use the Database Configuration Assistant
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
2.25 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Creating Databases
- Identify the files and logical storage units that make up the Oracle database
- Recognize the characteristics of the Oracle instance and its management interfaces
- Distinguish between the basic components of Oracle database architecture
- Recognize how to configure database identification, management, password, and storage options using the Database Configuration Assistant
- Recognize how to use the Database Configuration Assistant to set file locations and parameters
- Recognize how to set database storage settings and creation options, and delete a database using the Database Configuration Assistant
- Create an Oracle database, and delete one, using the Database Configuration Assistant
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Oracle Database 10g: Database Interfaces
Overview/DescriptionTo explain how to use SQL and SQL*Plus to access an Oracle 10g database and introduce other common database interfaces
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
3 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Database Interfaces
- Identify ways of sending SQL commands to a database and recognize how to start SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus
- Recognize how to use the DESCRIBE, PROMPT, and SELECT commands to work with data
- Recognize how to join tables and use DML and DDL statements to manipulate and define data
- Identify the functions of different SQL statements and recognize the function of data locking
- Identify ways of sending SQL commands to a database and recognize how to start SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus
- Use SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus to manage data
- Identify the basic elements of PL/SQL and recognize the uses of PL/SQL
- Identify the characteristics of some common database interfaces
- Identify how Oracle works with common database interfaces
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Oracle Database 10g: Database Control and Storage Structures
Overview/DescriptionTo explain the fundamentals of Oracle database control and how to use tablespaces
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
2.25 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Database Control and Storage Structures
- Recognize how to use the Oracle Database 10g management framework
- Recognize how to start up and shut down an Oracle database
- Identify the characteristics of initialization parameters and the alert log and recognize how to view them
- Start and stop the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control, Oracle Listener, and Oracle Database 10g instance
- Recognize how to create tablespaces
- Recognize how to manipulate tablespaces in an Oracle database
- View tablespace information and create a tablespace
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Oracle Database 10g: Users and Security
Overview/DescriptionTo explain how to manage users, implement security, and audit database activity on an Oracle 10g database
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
3.25 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Users and Security
- Recognize how to create user accounts and profiles
- Recognize how to grant privileges and assign quotas to users
- Recognize how to create a role and assign it to a user
- Administer user accounts on an Oracle 10g database
- Recognize how to restrict access to an Oracle database
- Recognize how to implement database security by configuring user profiles
- Implement password security by configuring user profiles
- Recognize how to monitor database activity using Oracles built-in audit tools
- Recognize how to implement fine-grained auditing in an Oracle 10g database
- Audit database activity in an Oracle 10g database
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Oracle Database 10g: Managing Schema Objects and Data
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to manage schema objects and data in an Oracle 10g database
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
3 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Managing Schema Objects and Data
- Identify the basic features of objects in a database schema
- Recognize how to create and modify tables in an Oracle 10g database
- Create, delete, and modify tables in an Oracle 10g database
- Recognize how to create indexes and views and use sequences in an Oracle 10g database
- Work with indexes, views, and sequences in an Oracle 10g database
- Manipulate tables, indexes, and views in an Oracle 10g database
- Recognize how to manage data using the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK commands
- Recognize how to use Oracles Data Pump to export and import data
- Export and import data using Oracles Data Pump utility
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Oracle Database 10g: The SQL* Loader and PL/SQL
Overview/DescriptionTo provide an overview of how to use the SQL*Loader and PL/SQL in an Oracle 10g database
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
2 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: The SQL* Loader and PL/SQL
- Identify the function of the SQL* Loader and the files it uses
- Recognize how to load data using the SQL* Loader
- Load data using the SQL*Loader
- Identify the characteristics of PL/SQL objects, functions, and procedures
- Recognize the characteristics of PL/SQL packages and triggers and identify the configuration options that control PL/SQL performance
- Recognize the basic concepts of PL/SQL
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Oracle Database 10g: Oracle Net Services and Shared Servers
Overview/DescriptionTo provide an overview of Oracle Net Services and Shared Server
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
2.75 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Oracle Net Services and Shared Servers
- Recognize how to create and configure an Oracle Net listener in Oracle Database 10g
- Recognize how to monitor Oracle Net Services using the Listener Control utility
- Create and configure an Oracle Net Listener
- Configure local name resolution in a given scenario
- Configure local Oracle Net Services aliases
- Recognize how to configure advanced connection options and test Oracle Net connectivity
- Distinguish between Oracle server connection types
- Distinguish between the initialization parameters used to configure Shared Server
- Recognize how to monitor Shared Server
- Configure and verify Shared Server
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Oracle Database 10g: Monitoring and Maintenance
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to control database performance and configure proactive database maintenance
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
2.75 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Monitoring and Maintenance
- Repair invalid and unusable objects
- Detect and repair unusable indexes
- Recognize how to monitor performance using dynamic performance views, Enterprise Manager, and optimizer statistics
- Gather optimizer statistics for a database schema
- Set thresholds and baselines for performance metrics
- Identify the functions of various tuning and diagnostic advisors and use the segment advisor to detect storage problems in a given scenario
- Recognize how to manage the AWR and use the ADDM to review database performance
- Configure a database for proactive maintenance
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Oracle Database 10g: Managing Undo Data and Lock Conflicts
Overview/DescriptionTo discuss how to manage undo data and manage lock conflicts in an Oracle database
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
1.75 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Managing Undo Data and Lock Conflicts
- Identify factors to take into consideration when managing undo
- Recognize how to estimate required tablespace size and resize a tablespace in a given scenario
- Calculate undo tablespace sizing and resize an undo tablespace
- Recognize how locks are used to ensure concurrent user access to a database
- Manage lock conflicts
- Detect and resolve lock conflicts
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Oracle Database 10g: Managing Backup and Recovery
Overview/DescriptionTo discuss how to manage backup and recovery in an Oracle 10g database
Target Audience
Anyone wanting to learn about Oracle Database 10g database administration
An understanding of database concepts and technologies
Expected Duration
2.75 Hours
Oracle Database 10g: Managing Backup and Recovery
- Recognize the types of database failure that can occur in an Oracle 10g database and identify possible solutions
- Recognize how to tune instance recovery and configure a database for maximum recoverability
- Recognize how to multiplex the Oracle 10g redo log and archive redo log files
- Configure a database for backup and recovery
- Recognize how to configure and manage database backups
- Recognize how to schedule database backups and back up control files to trace
- Configure database backups
- Back up a database
- Identify the types of media failure that can cause an instance to fail
- Recover from the loss of control files, redo log files, and datafiles
- Recover a database
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Exam 1Z0-311: Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I Curriculum Outline
Oracle Application Server 10g: Introduction
Overview/DescriptionTo provide an introduction to OracleAS architecture, components, and installation options
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
1.25 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: Introduction
- Identify the solution areas and terminology associated with OracleAS
- Distinguish between the components of some of the solution areas of OracleAS
- Distinguish between the components of selected solution areas of OracleAS
- Identify how OracleAS middle-tier installation types can be deployed
- Determine an OracleAS installation type for a given scenario
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Oracle Application Server 10g: Infrastructure and Middle Tier Installation
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to prepare for, execute, and verify OracleAS Infrastructure and Middle Tier installation
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
2.75 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: Infrastructure and Middle Tier Installation
- Determine any issues that need to be addressed before the installation of OracleAS Infrastructure
- Select the necessary options when initiating OracleAS Infrastructure installation in a given scenario
- Complete an OracleAS Infrastructure installation
- Perform OracleAS Infrastructure postinstallation tasks
- Prepare for, execute, and verify an installation of OracleAS Infrastruture
- Perform an installation of OracleAS Middle Tier
- Perform OracleAS Middle Tier postinstallation tasks
- Execute and verify an installation of OracleAS Middle Tier
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Oracle Application Server 10g: Management Tools and Oracle Internet Directory
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to use OracleAS management tools and manage the Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
2.75 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: Management Tools and Oracle Internet Directory
- Perform some basic management tasks from the home pages of Application Server Control
- Perform some basic process management tasks using the opmnctl utility in OracleAS
- Perform management tasks using the dcmctl utility
- Perform management tasks with emctl, opmnctl, and dcmctl utilities in OracleAS
- Define the role and security benefits of Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
- Identify the architecture of the OID server instance and OID node
- Stop and start an OID server instance in OracleAS
- Identify the commands used to manage data in the directory server and launch Oracle Directory Manager
- Perform some OID process and directory management tasks in a given scenario
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Oracle Application Server 10g: General Management and Directives for the HTTP Server
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to perform general management of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
4 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: General Management and Directives for the HTTP Server
- Recognize the server-level directives used to set Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) processes and connections
- Identify the role of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) files and file-location directives in OracleAS
- Perform the steps to change HTTP server properties in OracleAS
- Configure some properties of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) in OracleAS in a given scenario
- View and edit HTTP server logs in OracleAS
- Use Application Server Control to modify advanced server properties and enable status-report generation for Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)
- Perform the tasks to update Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) logs and configuration files in OracleAS in a given scenario
- Recognize the key concepts associated with Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) configuration
- Define container directives for an HTTP server in OracleAS
- Use the Options and AllowOverrides directives and appropriate parameters to control the features that an HTTP server allows
- Use the appropriate directives to set indexing, error handling, caching behavior, and aliases in Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)
- Identify how to redirect HTTP server requests using mod_rewrite directives
- Define directives for an HTTP server in a given scenario
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Oracle Application Server 10g: OracleAS Web Cache
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to administer and configure OracleAS Web Cache
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
2.25 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: OracleAS Web Cache
- Recognize the key concepts and administration tasks associated with OracleAS Web Cache
- Perform general administration tasks for OracleAS Web Cache
- Perform basic OracleAS Web Cache administration tasks in a given scenario
- Configure site definitions and server mappings for OracleAS Web Cache
- Create and configure caching rules for OracleAS Web Cache
- Configure basic cache-content invalidation in OracleAS
- Configure logging in OracleAS Web Cache
- Configure different elements of OracleAS Web Cache in a given scenario
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Oracle Application Server 10g: OracleAS Portal
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to manage OracleAS Portal
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
3 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: OracleAS Portal
- Define the roles of the key utilities of OracleAS Portal
- Create and manage OracleAS Portal schemas and users
- Perform some of the core management tasks associated with OracleAS Portal groups
- Perform management tasks for an OracleAS Portal user and group in a given scenario
- Perform portlet repository management tasks in OracleAS Portal
- Export and import objects in OracleAS Portal
- Perform the appropriate portlet repository and export/import tasks in a given scenario
- Configure self-registration and view OraDAV configuration for OracleAS Portal
- Configure language support and portal dependencies in OracleAS Portal
- Configure some core features of OracleAS Portal in a given scenario
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Oracle Application Server 10g: mod_plsql, CGI Scripts, and Database Providers
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to configure mod_plsql, CGI-script execution, and database providers in OracleAS
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
2 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: mod_plsql, CGI Scripts, and Database Providers
- Define the role of the key Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) modules used to deploy PL/SQL and CGI applications
- Configure how mod_plsql connects to a database server to fulfill HTTP requests
- Recognize the syntax for invoking a PL/SQL application and configure caching for mod_plsql
- Configure different elements of mod_plsql in a given scenario
- Distinguish between the entries used in an httpd.conf file to enable the execution of different types of CGI scripts
- Register the database provider with OracleAS Portal
- Perform some of the steps to configure Oracle for Fast CGI and the database provider in a given scenario
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Oracle Application Server 10g: Application Management and Deployment
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to manage and deploy applications in OracleAS
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
2.50 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: Application Management and Deployment
- Perform the appropriate, basic OC4J management tasks in OracleAS
- Configure OC4J server properties in OracleAS
- Perform the basic tasks for J2EE application management in OracleAS
- Manage an OC4J instance and J2EE application in OracleAS, in a given scenario
- Create a data source in OracleAS
- Deploy web-application modules and deploy complete J2EE applications in OracleAS
- Register web providers in OracleAS
- Perform the tasks to deploy an application in OracleAS
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Oracle Application Server 10g: Component Administration in Oracle Internet Directory
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to configure Oracle Internet Directory (OID) components in OracleAS
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
1.50 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: Component Administration in Oracle Internet Directory
- Recognize the administration options available with Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
- Assign user and group privileges in Oracle Internet Directory (OID)
- View and modify Oracle Internet Directory (OID) password-related information in OracleAS
- Configure Oracle Internet Directory (OID) settings in OracleAS Portal
- Perform a series of Oracle Internet Directory (OID) administration tasks, in a given scenario, in OracleAS
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Oracle Application Server 10g: DAS and SSO
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to manage users and groups with Delegated Administration Service (DAS) and administer the Single Sign-On feature of OracleAS
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
3 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: DAS and SSO
- Start, stop, and verify the operation of the Delegated Administrative Service (DAS) in OracleAS
- Perform key user and group administration tasks in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS)
- Configure how user entries display in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS)
- Perform service, account, and identity management realm management tasks in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS)
- Perform the tasks to manage a user and user account in OracleAS Delegated Administration Service (DAS), in a given scenario
- Sequence the steps in the OracleAS Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication process
- Perform some basic Single Sign-On (SSO) administration tasks in OracleAS
- Perform the key administration tasks for partner and external applications in OracleAS Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Perform the tasks to appropriately administer an SSO server, in a given scenario
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Oracle Application Server 10g: Component Security with SSL
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to manage wallets and certificates and configure components for SSL in OracleAS
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
2.25 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: Component Security with SSL
- Outline the interactions between client and server when using SSL in OracleAS
- Perform key management tasks in Oracle Wallet Manager
- Perform certificate-management tasks in OracleAS
- Perform wallet and certificate management tasks in OracleAS, in a given scenario
- Configure SSO, Oracle Internet Directory (OID), and OracleAS Web Cache for SSL
- Configure OracleAS Portal for SSL
- Perform some of the tasks to configure SSO, OID, and OracleAS Portal for SSL
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Oracle Application Server 10g: Oracle Certificate Authority Management
Overview/DescriptionTo demonstrate how to manage Oracle Certificate Authority (OCA)
Target Audience
DBAs, developers, and other IT professionals planning to take Oracle Application Server 10g certification examinations; anyone interested in the technical aspects of Oracle Application Server 10g
Working experience with Linux operating systems; some experience in Internet-based-application administration and development would be beneficial
Expected Duration
1.50 Hours
Oracle Application Server 10g: Oracle Certificate Authority Management
- Identify the tools that make up the OracleAS PKI solution
- Define the key elements of the Oracle Certificate Authority (OCA) architecture
- Perform the steps to set up administration access in OracleAS Certificate Authority (OCA)
- Perform key certificate management tasks in Oracle Certificate Authority (OCA)
- Manage the Oracle Certificate Authority (OCA) server and certificates in a given scenario
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Exam 1Z0-047: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Expert I Curriculum Outline
Oracle Database 11g: Using SQL to Query Your Database
To identify the concepts and components of an Oracle Database 11g database, recognize how to retrieve information from it using SQL, and identify the steps for sorting, limiting, modifying, and formatting this information.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI)
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using SQL to Query Your Database
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Oracle Database 11g: Conversion Functions, Group Functions, and Joins
To recognize the steps for writing queries that convert data from one type to another, specify conditions, perform calculations on groups of rows or even tables, and return values from more than one table.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI)
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Conversion Functions, Group Functions, and Joins
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Oracle Database 11g: Subqueries, Set Operators, and Data Manipulation
To identify the steps for manipulating queries to return the data you need, using subqueries and set operators, and also for manipulating the actual data using INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and other data manipulation language (DML) statements.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI)
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Subqueries, Set Operators, and Data Manipulation
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Oracle Database 11g: Using DDL, Views, Sequences, Indexes, and Synonyms
To recognize the steps for creating, defining, and dropping tables , manipulating how their data can be viewed, and using schema objects to generate integers, improve queries, and rename tables.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI)
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using DDL, Views, Sequences, Indexes, and Synonyms
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Oracle Database 11g: Controlling User Access and Managing Schema Objects
To recognize the steps for controlling user access to objects and also for maintaining these objects by dropping columns and adding constraints and indexes.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI).
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Controlling User Access and Managing Schema Objects
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Oracle Database 11g: Data Dictionary Views and Large Data Sets
To recognize the steps for querying data dictionary views to viewsschema objects, and for performing operations on large amounts of data, such as inserting data into multiple tables and merging table rows.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI).
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Data Dictionary Views and Large Data Sets
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Oracle Database 11g: Managing Data in Different Time Zones
To identify the steps for managing data in different time zones in Oracle Database 11g, for managing time intervals, and for using datetime functions.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI).
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Managing Data in Different Time Zones
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Oracle Database 11g: Using Subqueries and Regular Expressions
To recognize the steps for retrieving data using subqueries and using regular expressions to search for, match, and replace strings.
Target Audience
Database Administrators, Database Designers, Developer Support Engineers, and Technical Administrators.
Familiarity with Data Processing Concepts and Techniques. Ability to use a graphical user interface (GUI).
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using Subqueries and Regular Expressions
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Exam 1Z0-054: Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning Curriculum Outline
Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning Methodology and Tools
Oracle Database 11g provides a variety of tools that can be used for performance tuning in an Oracle database environment. These tools can be used to diagnose and tune common SQL-related and instance-related problems as well as proactively tune an Oracle database. One such tool – Enterprise Manager – can be used to monitor an Oracle database using the many performance-related pages it provides via a user-friendly graphical user interface. This course provides an introduction to performance tuning methodologies, effective tuning goals, and the types of performance data that can be gathered by diagnostic tools available in Oracle Database 11g. It also demonstrates how to use Time Model and Enterprise Manager to diagnose performance issues, and discusses using the various dynamic performance views (V$ views) to perform statistical analysis when diagnosing problems. The use of alert logs, user trace files, and wait events analysis are also explored in this introduction to performance tuning. This course helps to prepare you for the Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning exam which counts towards the Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert designation.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning Methodology and Tools
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Oracle Database 11g: Using AWR and Defining Problems
Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) is the infrastructure that provides services to Oracle Database 11g components that collect, maintain, and utilize statistics for problem detection and self-tuning purposes. This course explains how to create and manage AWR snapshots, and demonstrates how to use the snapshots to generate individual AWR reports as well as AWR compares period reports. It discusses the identification of performance issues, setting the tuning priorities, how to tune depending on the particular application life cycle phase, and the steps involved in implementing migration, upgrade, and environment changes. The course also delves into the area of interpreting tuning diagnostics using Statspack – a set of scripts and PL/SQL packages that allow you to capture point-in-time performance data. It explains how to capture and manage Statspack snapshots and the generation and usage of Statspack reports for diagnostic analysis.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using AWR and Defining Problems
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Oracle Database 11g: Metrics, Alerts, Baselines, AWR Tools, and Services
Metrics, alerts, baselines, and thresholds are monitoring objects that can be used to monitor and manage the performance tuning of an Oracle Database 11g environment. Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) based tools can be used to tune automatic maintenance tasks and generate and read ADDM and ASH reports. This course demonstrates how to create static and repeating baselines, compute baseline statistics, define alert thresholds, and generate ADDM and ASH reports. In Oracle Database 11g you can configure, manage, and implement services to work with client applications using Database Resource Manager and the Scheduler. This course discusses the use of services for monitoring applications and demonstrates how to set performance-metric thresholds on services. It also explains how to configure services aggregation and tracing.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Metrics, Alerts, Baselines, AWR Tools, and Services
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Oracle Database 11g: Problem SQL Statements and Oracle Optimizer
Oracle Database 11g helps to identify problem SQL statements using Oracle Optimizer and execution plans. This course discusses SQL statement processing and the role of the Oracle Optimizer and execution plans. It also explains how to generate and view execution plans using the DBMS_XPLAN package, the EXPLAIN PLAN command, SQL*Plus AUTOTRACE command options, and the V$SQL_PLAN view. The functions of the Optimizer and how to influence and control the optimizers behavior is discussed in detail, including the various query access paths that can be used, when to use different join methods and sort operations, how to manage and maintain indexes, and how to reorganize tables to optimize the processing of SQL statements.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Problem SQL Statements and Oracle Optimizer
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Oracle Database 11g: SQL Performance Management and Database Replay
Database Replay allows you to test the impact of a system change by replaying a real-world workload on a test system before it is exposed to a production system. This course demonstrates how to use Database Replay to capture and replay workloads to test the impact of a system change. It also explains how to use SQL Performance Analyzer to ascertain performance gains following a database change and to test the impact of proposed changes. Maintaining SQL performance by managing changes to optimizer statistics, using Automatic SQL Tuning to automate the SQL tuning process, and setting up SQL plan management are also covered.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: SQL Performance Management and Database Replay
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Oracle Database 11g: Shared Pool and Buffer Cache Tuning
The buffer cache is an extremely important component for the performance, scalability, and reliability of the database. This course demonstrates how to identify the symptoms that indicate a buffer cache problem and how to use the various methods available to resolve common performance issues related to the buffer cache. It also discusses the sizing of the buffer cache and using views to analyze the buffer cache, and briefly covers multiple pool management. The fundamental purpose of the shared pool is to serve as a metadata cache. This course explains how to diagnose and resolve hard and soft-parsing problems and shared pool fragmentation issues. It also discusses various methods of tuning the shared pool, including sizing the shared pool, sizing the reserved area of the shared pool, keeping objects in the shared pool, and managing the results cache.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Shared Pool and Buffer Cache Tuning
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Oracle Database 11g: Tuning PGA, Temporary Space, and AMM
Oracle Database 11g provides various methods for tuning, monitoring and managing memory and temporary tablespaces. Automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management adapts the SQL memory allocation based on PGA memory available, SQL operator needs, and system workload. A temporary tablespace is used to store transient data generated explicitly by the user and implicitly by the system. This course explains how to diagnose PGA memory and temporary tablespace issues and demonstrates how to size the PGA memory and manage temporary tablespaces. In addition, in Oracle 11g, Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) uses dynamic System Global Area (SGA) and memory advisors to automatically adapt to workload changes. Automatic Memory Management (AMM) automates the sizing of PGA and SGA according to your workload. This course demonstrates the methods for enabling and configuring ASMM and AMM using Enterprise Manager, memory advisors, SQL, and V-dollar views for monitoring memory management.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Tuning PGA, Temporary Space, and AMM
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Oracle Database 11g: Segment Space, I/O, and Performance Tuning
Oracle Database 11g provides various methods for tuning segment space usage and input/output (I/O). This course explains how to use Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM) to tune segment space usage, how to shrink segments using SQL or the Enterprise Manager, and how to use table compression. Automatic Storage Management (ASM) capabilities save you time by automating manual storage and thereby increasing your ability to manage larger databases (and more of them) with increased efficiency. This course discusses the implementation and tuning of ASM using a variety of Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) solutions, depending on the business requirements of the organization. This course also explores the performance tuning methodology and identifies industry-recognized best practices for performance tuning.
Target Audience
A range of in-training or established IT professionals; Database Administrators; Support Engineers; Technical Consultants.
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Segment Space, I/O, and Performance Tuning
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Exam 1Z0-144: Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL Curriculum Outline
Oracle Database 11g: Getting Started With PL/SQL
To identify the steps for getting started with PL/SQL, recognizing the benefits of the available tools, creating basic statements, declaring variables, testing code, and adhering to scoping and nesting rules.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Getting Started With PL/SQL
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Oracle Database 11g: Using DML, DDL, Cursors, Loops, and Control Structures
To identify the steps for using PL/SQL to manipulate data, control transactions, determine the outcome of statements, and create loops and conditional control structures.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using DML, DDL, Cursors, Loops, and Control Structures
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Oracle Database 11g: Using Data Types, INDEX BY Tables, and Cursors
To recognize ways to create user-defined PL/SQL records and INDEX BY tables, and identify the steps for declaring and controlling explicit cursors and cursors with parameters.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using Data Types, INDEX BY Tables, and Cursors
260271_eng <
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Oracle Database 11g: Using Exceptions, Subprograms, JDeveloper, and REF Cursors
To recognize ways to handle unanticipated errors in PL/SQL, write stored procedures and functions, deploy Java applications and Web services, and use cursor variables.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Using Exceptions, Subprograms, JDeveloper, and REF Cursors
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Oracle Database 11g: Subprograms, Packages, and Exception Handling
To identify the steps for designing, debugging, invoking, and bundling PL/SQL subprograms, procedures and functions, and also for handling their exceptions.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Subprograms, Packages, and Exception Handling
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Oracle Database 11g: Packages, Dynamic SQL, and Coding Considerations
To recognize the steps for creating and using efficient PL/SQL packages, including Oracle-supplied packages, executing dynamic SQL, and improving the performance of code.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Packages, Dynamic SQL, and Coding Considerations
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Oracle Database 11g: Packages, Dynamic SQL, and Coding Considerations
To recognize the steps for creating and using efficient PL/SQL packages, including Oracle-supplied packages, executing dynamic SQL, and improving the performance of code.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: Packages, Dynamic SQL, and Coding Considerations
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Oracle Database 11g: PL/SQL Code and Dependency Management
To identify the steps for performing conditional compilation to selectively use PL/SQL code, wrapping code, and tracking dependencies.
Target Audience
System analysts, PL/SQL developers, forms and application developers, database administrators, technical consultants, and portal developers.
Previous programming experience and knowledge of SQL
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Oracle Database 11g: PL/SQL Code and Dependency Management
260276_eng <
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Associate Oracle Certifications
Oracle certifications are a credible validation of training and experience that can accelerate your professional career, improve
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Oracle certifications are tangible, industry-recognized credentials that can help you succeed in your IT career and provide measurable benefits to your employer. Industry Analysts and Experts agree, Oracle Certifications are among the most sought after badges of credibility for expertise in the Information Technology marketplace. IT professionals can differentiate themselves from their peers or competition and gain valuable job security by earning an Oracle Associate Certification.
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The unique design of CBT Direct’s Oracle certification course incorporates a proven four-step learning process: presentation, demonstration, guidance and independent practice. This four-step proven learning model for CBT Direct’s Oracle training course ensures the greatest level of retention to prepare you for your Oracle certification exam.
CBT Direct also offers online mentoring for over 100 current major certification exams, including Oracle, for IT
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* Available for most courses.
Who Benefits from CBT Direct’s Oracle Training?
This training would be beneficial for individuals looking for IT job positions such as; Database Designer, Database Administrator, Oracle Database Administrator or a Database Manager.
What Professionals Will Learn from CBT Direct’s Oracle Training
Oracle Database 11g SQL Expert Certification
Exam 1Z0-047: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Expert
This course takes a deeper look at using Oracle Database 11g utilizing the SQL Programming language. In this course,
students will gain a stronger grasp on relational databases and learn how to better understand and execute the SQL programming
language. This course provides insight on more complex SQL programming skills and more in depth explanations on creating
database objects, table manipulations and writing queries in Oracle Database 11g.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Oracle Database 11g Administrator Associate Certification
Exam 1Z0-051: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of SQL using Oracle Database 11g database technology. In this course students
learn the concepts of relational databases and the powerful SQL programming language. This course provides the essential SQL skills
that allow developers to write queries against single and multiple tables, manipulate data in tables, and create database objects.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Exam 1Z0-052: Oracle Database 11g: Administration I
This course is designed to give students a firm foundation in basic administration of Oracle Database 11g. Learn how to install and
maintain Oracle Database 11g, and gain a conceptual understanding of the Oracle database architecture and how its components work
and interact with one another. Learn how to create an operational database and properly manage the various structures in an
effective and efficient manner including performance monitoring, database security, user management, and backup/recovery techniques.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Oracle Database 10g Administrator Associate Certification
Exam 1Z0-051: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of SQL using Oracle Database 11g database technology. In this course students
learn the concepts of relational databases and the powerful SQL programming language. This course provides the essential SQL skills
that allow developers to write queries against single and multiple tables, manipulate data in tables, and create database objects.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Exam 1Z0-042: Oracle Database 10g: Administration I
This course is designed to give students a firm foundation in basic administration of Oracle Database 10g. Learn how to install
Oracle Database 10g, create databases, use database interfaces and database control and storage structures. This course provides
the knowledge to be able to mange users and security, schema objects and data, the SQL* Loader and PL/SQL, as well as learning
Oracle Net Services and Shared Servers. The training will also cover monitoring and maintenance, managing undo data and lock conflicts
and managing backup and recovery.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator Associate Certification
Exam 1Z0-311: Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of SQL using Oracle Application Server 10g database technology. In this course
students learn infrastructure and middle tier installation, management tools and Oracle Internet Directory as well as, general management
and directives for the HTTP server. This course also covers OracleAS Web Cache, OracleAS Portal, mod_plsql, CGI Scripts, and
Database Providers, Application Management and Deployment. You will also learn component administration in Oracle Internet Directory
and DAS and SSO, component security with SSL and Oracle Certificate Authority Management.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning
Exam 1Z0-054: Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning
In this course, individuals already familiar with the workings of Oracle 11g will be provided with information in how to
be more consistent while using Oracle 11g. It will provide a deeper understanding of how to utilize Oracle Database 11g
automatic tuning features, including SQL Tuning Advisor, and SQL Access Advisor. It will also cover the Automatic Workload
Repository and Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate
Exam 1Z0-144: Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL
This course starts with an introduction to PL/SQL and proceeds into more enhanced developer skills, such as: learning to
develop, execute, and manage PL\SQL stored program units. Students will learn how to create PL/SQL blocks of application
code that can be shared by multiple forms, reports, and data management applications. In addition, creation of anonymous
PL/SQL blocks, stored procedures and functions are covered in this course. Students will gain an understanding of design
considerations when coding using PL/SQL, how to influence the PL/SQL compiler and manage dependencies.
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
(9-5 EST)
1Z0-042 | Oracle Database 10g: Administration I | ü | ü | |
1Z0-047 | Oracle Database 11g: SQL Expert | ü | ü | |
1Z0-051 | Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I | ü | ü | |
1Z0-053 | Oracle Database 11g: Administration II | ü | ü | |
1Z1-052 | Oracle Database 11g: Administration I | ü | ü |
Exam 1Z0-047: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Expert
Exam 1Z0-051: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I
Exam 1Z0-052: Oracle Database 11g: Administration I
Exam 1Z0-053: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II
Exam 1Z0-042: Oracle Database 10g: Administration I
Exam 1Z0-311: Oracle Application Server 10g: Administration I
Exam 1Z0-054: Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning
Exam 1Z0-144: Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL